So, Mommy is still recovering from that evil Omnicef. I don't feel to well, myself, because I am teething a lot. Mommy can feel them. The upside is I can have otter pops. The down side is well, it hurts!
I've also become a messy eater, ok, when daddy feeds me. He's a power feeder!
I've got fruit roll ups. To quote my furby: Yum!
Oh, yeah, speaking of my furby, I love it. It makes me laugh, and I like to stick my finger in it's mouth. I also like to stick fingers in my mouth by going "brb brbbb brb". Grandpa taught me and I've been doing it all day ever since.
Anyway, I'm exhausted. I'm going through another growth spurt so I've been sleeping off and on today. I'll write later.
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