A quick post about my milestones:
I love to dance. Put me down with some music and I will bounce and shake my toosh. I also like when Mommy bounces me, sings, and tickles. I laugh so hard! BOOGIE BABY
I can crawl with ease (and almost as fast as Mommy and Daddy can run!) I can crawl around the whole house and follow everyone. I'm getting curious about the doggie door because I see the dogs vanish when they hit the wall. The only thing that happens to me when I hit the wall is a thump! Hmm...
I love to cruise around holding the furniture.
I can say MaMa, DaDa, and ThinThah (Ginger) and know who I am talking about.
I love bathtime!
I can sleep 6 hours in the night.
I have 10 total teeth.
I'm still trying to figure out how to get out of that blasted car seat!
I got my Colts outfit for the super bowl (OK, not a milestone, but still exciting) :)
I can eat a lot of foods now!