So, today is my recovery day from my weekend. I got a hair cut, went shopping with Mommy and Daddy, and watched the Chargers defeat Indy *Bolts not Colts... Uncle Russ taught me how to use a nerf gun, and then how to cook.
I was so exhausted, that I slept for 13 hours straight!
I am a good boy. Daddy is disappointed that I didn't fuss and cry (he wanted me to put up a big production and have the haircut lady earn her dollars). But, Mommy was proud of me for being such a big boy sitting in the chair. Here's a few pics that the mamarazzi snapped up while I was getting my hair cut. Nothing is scared when the mamarazzi is in town.
So, I'm the big brother. Really, being older has some perks, I get to eat better food, go out with daddy, and do things Eleanor "Un-orrr" can't. But, I still want to be the baby sometimes. Mommy gave my massage chair to my sister, but I still want to use it. For the record, my little sister squeaks a lot. Mommy calls her squeaker. I call her "baaayyyybeeeeeeeeeeeeee"